Exemplar Global and Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
It is guaranteed international Insulation certification (IIC), Various levels of certification.
IIC (International Insulation Certification - 국제보온자격증)의 과정은 총 3단계로 이루어 집니다.
IIC LV 1 (국제보온기술 과정)
-. 4일 과정 (온라인 과정 가능)
-. 해양플랜트 보온의 전반적인 이론 학습.
-. Thermal Insulation 실기 학습
-. 현장 학습
-. 교육비 150만원 (국비지원/재직자 가능)
IIC LV2 (국제보온기술 심화과정)
-. 3일 과정
-. Cryogenic insulation 심화과정
-. 보온기술 심화과정
-. Cellular Glass, PIR, Aerogel를 이용한 실기 학습.
-. 교육비 200만원 (국비지원/재직자 가능)
IIC LV3 (감독관 및 엔지너어 과정)
-. 외국인 영어 인터뷰. (30분)
-. 모든 보온기술의 이해.
-. 교육비 100만원 (국비지원/재직자 가능)
The IC (International Insulation Certification) process consists of three steps.
IIC LV 1 (International Insulation Technology Course)
-. 4-day course (online course available)
-. An overall theoretical study of offshore plant thermal insulation.
-. Thermal Insulation Practical Learning
-. field trip
-. Educational expenses 1.5 million won (subsidized by the government/available for incumbents)
IIC LV2 (Intensive International Insulation Technology Course)
-. 3 day course
-. Cryogenic insulation in-depth course
-. Intensive course on thermal insulation technology
-. Practical learning using Cellular Glass, PIR, and Aerogel.
-. 2 million won for education expenses
IIC LV3 (Supervisor and Engineer Course)
-. Foreign English interview. (30 minutes)
-. Understanding all thermal insulation techniques.
-. 1 million won for education expenses