Exemplar Global and Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
It is guaranteed international Insulation certification (IIC), Various levels of certification.
자격증 리스트
International insulation certification IIC LEVEL 1
보온자재의 이해, 조선/해양플랜트 분야의 보온설치 요구조건. Hot insulation, Acoustic insulation
설치에 대한 이해 및 Cladding설치
International insulation certification IIC LEVEL 2 (Advanced)
Cryogenic insulation의 이해, Cladding template 실기, Cryogenic 보온재 설치 Cladding설치
International insulation certification IIC LEVEL 3 (Supervisor)
영어 질의 응답, Specification의 이해, Procedure의 이해, ITP의 이해, HSE의 이해 ISO도면해석,
P&ID 도면 해석, Line list해석. 보온현장 관리자, 엔지니어, 검사관 업무에 종사할 수 있는 자격.
Certification list
International insulation certification IIC LEVEL 1
Understand insulation materials and insulation requirements of Oil & Gas projects Understand Hot and
Acoustic insulation and cladding installations.
International insulation certification IIC LEVEL 2 (Advanced)
Understand cryogenic insulation, Cladding design and template, Cryogenic insulation materials and practical installation
International insulation certification IIC LEVEL 3 (Supervisor)
English language-based interview, Understand specification, Procedure, ITP, HSE, ISO DWG, P&ID DWG and
line list. Qualifications to engage in the work of managers, and inspectors of thermal insulation sites